Best cheap outdoor games

Best cheap outdoor games

Outdoorsgaming is all about outdoor games, but we also like to save our readers some money. Therefore, a post about the best cheap outdoor games seemed only logical.

Introduction: The best cheap outdoor games

I created different subheadings for the various types of outdoor games. However, there is some overlap. For example, an outdoor game for adults could sometimes also be played by youth etc.

I tried to fit every game within the most appropriate section.

Some games are original, some or well-known.

Some are really easy, others are a bit more complicated.

Some games are very passive, others are more active and sportive.

And so on and so in… In other words, there is a little bit of everything in this post with the intention that everybody finds what they are looking for.

Best cheap outdoor games for adults

Let’s start by taking a look at some of the best budget outdoor games for adults.


4 players

One of the best cheap outdoor games for adults has to be spikeball. The game is very fun, sportive and it’s easy to get started with.

You play spikeball by bouncing a ball into a trampoline to the opposing team or pass to your teammate. The easiest way to understand what spikeball is all about would be to watch a video about it.

For more information, you can take a look at the official site.

I can assure you that it’s a very fun game. It can be played with kids as well, however, it won’t be suitable for the lower ages. The official age limit is 6 years, but it seems like it works best with kids that are 12 years or older.

However, if you are looking for a fun and budget-friendly outdoor game for adults, I can 100% recommend spikeball.

All that said, the official spikeball sets are a bit more expensive than some unofficial alternatives. Depending on your budget, this might be preferable. For more information about the topic, feel free to check out this informative article: Best cheap spikeball sets.

If you are interested in buying, you can check out the price by clicking here:

Kan jam & Kan jam mini

4 players

Another great cheap outdoor game for adults would be Kan jam. The easiest way to describe Kan jam is golf with frisbees, and it’s surprisingly fun!

However, it’s not exactly like golf. You make teams of 2 and play against each other. There are various ways to score points and it also involves more than only throwing.

Intrigues? Well, the most compact explanation would be found in this short video:

As with many outdoor games, it’s perfectly fine to play this game with kids, and it’s also a fun party game. However, it’s just one of those games that’s very enjoyable among a group of adults as well.

If you only have a very small outdoors space, or you want to spend less money, there is also kan jam mini. However, you should know that the cans are so small that it’s a more difficult game to play. Which frustrated some people when they bought it.

If you want to go full budget mode, you can of course create your own version of the game, with a regular frisbee and large buckets. However, you would either need to create a hole in the buckets or you would need to adapt the rules. Buying one is definitely the easier option.

For the official sized game, feel free to check out the latest price here: Kan Jam.


2 – 4 players

Another very popular outdoor game, suitable for all ages, and also a perfect party game: Cornhole.

For those of you who don’t know cornhole, the main objective is to throw a bag through a hole. Well, that’s a super basic description and the game is actually a lot more fun than I made it out to be.

For a better explanation and some gameplay footage, check out this video:

Cornhole isn’t super cheap, but it’s also a fairly large game. You can also make this yourself, but once again, this will require quite a bit of effort.

However, there are -as you might expect- huge differences in size and price. If you are looking for a similar cornhole set as the one used in the video (basic size, made from wood), I would recommend the basic amazon cornhole set, which is one of the best value sets within its category.

However, if you are looking for a cheaper alternative. You can go for a more portable set. Remember, this does not necessarily mean that you will have less fun: Eastpoint cornhole set.

Ladder Toss

2 – 4 players

Another throwing game in teams that is surprisingly fun would be the ladder toss game.

The rules are pretty straightforward and the game itself is pretty simple. However, the fact that the throwing is slightly harder than some other throwing games makes it slightly more suitable for adults.

That said, it really is a game for all ages, even the smaller children can enjoy themselves by throwing and trying to score some points.

The game is simple, but fun and it had something unique about it.

Also, I think the game is cheaper than it looks, making it a great option on the list of best cheap outdoor games for adults.

If you are interested in this game, the latest price can be found here: Basics ladder toss.

Best cheap outdoor games for children

Let’s move on to the best cheap outdoor games for children.

Toss Across Game

2 – 4 players

Toss Across is the outdoor (and large) version of tic-tac-toe. The game works the same as the original tic-tac-toe, but you have to throw a bag on a target to make it flip.

It’s an original take on a classic game. It’s especially fun for kids because the rules are simple, but the throwing and the fact that it’s outdoors making it exciting enough.

Also, this game is really budget friendly. It makes a perfect gift for kids, a minimum age of 5 is recommended, but it’s not like a 4 year old wouldn’t enjoy this game.

If you are interested in more information, including the latest price, check it out here: Toss Across Game.

Giant SORRY!

2 – 4 players

Another very simple game would be Giant Sorry! It’s also, not expensive so perfect as a cheap outdoor game for children.

It’s the giant and outdoor version of the classic SORRY!

The fact that the game is this simple makes it probably not as much fun for adults, but it’s perfect for kids.

Also, the giant size and the fact that this can be played outside makes it very appealing for children.

Want to take a look at the latest price? Check it out here: Giant Sorry!

Outdoor dart board

2 – 6 players

While you can enjoy a game of real darts, the kids can enjoy their own outdoor version of the game.

Children can spend hours playing this simple game. Combine that with the fact that it’s really cheap and you have one of the best cheap outdoor games for children.

The game comes in many different shapes and sizes. I really like this one because it’s fairly large without being more expensive.

Obviously, it can also be played indoors if you would want that.

Be careful, though, prices are constantly changing.

For the latest information, check out this awesome outdoor dart board here: Kids Dart Board Game.

Frisbee & boomerang

∞ players

I almost didn’t want to mention this, but these two “games” are dirt cheap, outdoors and can be a lot of fun.

However, you won’t win a prize for originality.

That said, these days it can be original to bring an old school classic item like a boomerang. I mean, I haven’t seen one in a good while.

Also, boomerangs come in different shapes and sizes, therefore, you could buy an original boomerang if you would want to.

Simply take a look here, to find some original boomerangs.

When it comes to frisbees, the same rules apply. However, frisbee is a more social game than boomerang and will probably remain more fun for a longer period of time. Remember, you can simply throw a frisbee to each other, but you can also play the official game (if there are enough players).

I can highly recommend this frisbee: Discraft 175 gram.

If you would like to take a look at more original frisbees, take a look here.

Best cheap outdoor party games

If you are looking for a good cheap outdoor party game, these are some suggestions you can’t go wrong with.

Beer pong

2-10 players

I know, beer pong is probably one of the least original outdoor party games, but it’s just so much fun, I had to include it.

Also, you can play a variant on the basic beer pong rules. You could even go with a giant version of the game or a water version (but more on that later in the post).

There isn’t much more to say, you won’t be original, but you will have a very fun and cheap outdoor party game.

Check out the latest price here: Beer pong


2-4 players

Another almost forgotten (at least by me) party game would be twister.

The game is good for all ages and it’s definitely one the best cheap outdoor party games out there.

It is, however, not suitable for larger groups. Still, the great thing about twister that it can also be a lot of fun to watch. Therefore, it’s a great game for your next party.

For the few of you who don’t know anything about twister, here is a quick explanation:

It’s the Twister game, the classic game that ties players up in knots! This action-packed group game is fun for parties or a game night with the family. See where the spinner lands and make a move. Left hand red, piece of cake! Right hand yellow, no problemo! Hilarity ensues as players twist, turn, tangle — and struggle to keep their hands and feet glued to the mat

Hasbro Gaming

For the best price, take a look here: Twister

Best cheap outdoor games for youth

Let’s find out what budget-friendly outdoor games are best for youth.

Throw throw burrito

2-6 players

Throw throw burrito is one of the lesser known games, especially loved by youth. Also, this makes a great party game.

Throw throw burrito is described as a dodgeball card game and I think that’s the perfect explanation.

The World’s First Dodgeball Card Game – Collect matching sets of cards faster than your opponents while simultaneously ducking, dodging and throwing squishy airborne burritos.

Exploding kittens

If you are looking for an original party game that is suitable for 4 players and very popular among youth, throw throw burrito is the game to get!

If you are looking for the best price of this awesome game, this is probably the place to look: Throw throw burrito.

However, I must mention that they also made a dedicated outdoor version of the game (even thought The regular version is also very suitable as an outdoor game).

The outdoor game is even more spectacular and recommendable if you are looking for something that looks more impressive. Also, the price difference is pretty minimal.

If you are interested in the outdoor (extreme) version of the game, this can be found here: Throw throw burrito extreme outdoor edition

Drop cup

2-10 players

Drop cup is a game similar to beer pong. However, the biggest difference is that you need to roll the balls instead of throw them. This game is especially popular among youth, but it’s very suitable as a party game as well.

If you like beer pong, but you want to mix it up a bit, drop cup is definitely a game to look at.

Except for the game, you only require a table, you can play it indoors or outdoors, just like beer pong.

It’s cheap, a lot of fun, original and can be played by all ages (however, it’s often played in combination with rules that require drinking).

A highly recommendable outdoor game gift for youth!

Want to check out the latest price? Check it out here: Drop cup.

Best cheap outdoor water games

Outdoor water games tend to be a bit more expensive. I went ahead and found some interesting cheap options for you.

Water beer pong

2 – 10 players

Another game that would be highly recommendable if you like beer pong, but want to be more original: water beer pong.

Basically, water beer pong is beer pong with a floaty.

Important to note, the cups and balls are not included in the linked product. However, purchasing them separately seems to be the most valuable purchase at this moment.

Place the cups in the holes of the floaty and you are ready to go. The concept is exactly the same, but it feels like a different experience.

Once again, highly recommendable if you are looking for on original and cheap outdoor game!

The best price can usually be found here: Inflatable pool beer pong

Water volleyball

2-6 players

Up until this day, water volleyball remains one of my all-time favorite cheap outdoor water games. Sure, it isn’t as cheap as certain other games, but it’s well worth it.

Once again, there can be huge differences in size, quality and price. However, I really like the GoSports Splash net for the simple reason that it’s one of the cheaper volleyball nets. On top of that, it comes with 2 balls and a pump.

Also, this is an inflatable set, so you can play it anywhere. Most volleyball pool nets need to reach from one side of the pool to the other.

If that is specifically what you are looking for, that’s of course fine as well, you can find many cheap options if you click here.

Best cheap giant outdoor games

Finally, we get to the huge outdoor games that can be bought on a tight budget. Normally, the bigger the size, the more expensive the games get. However, I did my best to find the best options for you.

Giant beer pong/Basket pong

2 – 10 players

We have already covered beer pong in this article (and with good reason). However, the game also gets interesting when you supersize the game.

Once again, there are many options, I really like Wicked Supersized pong if you want the most size for the buck. Also, it’s really convenient that these buckets are collapsible.

If you are looking for a more budget-friendly option and you are okay with a slightly smaller size, you have to go with GoBig Giant Cups.

If you want to go bigger, you can take a look at basketpong, it’s a high quality, good-looking and large set. However, we can’t go around the fact that this set is not really cheap anymore.

Jenga giant

2 – 8 players

Another very classical game that all of a sudden becomes an original and cheap outdoor game: Giant Jenga.

Simply supersizing a game like jenga makes it a lot more appealing. Also, there is a lot more tension build up because the fall will be so much more dramatic.

If you are thinking about using this as a party game, I would also recommend that!

For the best price, you can take a look here: Ropoda Giant Tumble Tower.

Best cheap outdoor games for the family

Something that is more difficult than you would think is finding a good cheap outdoor game for the family. A lot of people should be able to participate, it shouldn’t be too complex, children should be able to join and last but not least, it should be fun!


2 – 10 players

Kubb is a great cheap outdoor family game because everyone can enjoy the fun.

For those of you who don’t know kubb, this was the best short description that I could find:

Kubb is a lawn game where the objective is to knock over wooden blocks (kubbar) by throwing wooden batons (kastpinnar) at them. Kubb can be described as a combination of bowling and horseshoes


It’s not a very active game, it mainly involves throwing. However, it does create a team feeling and you are outdoors.

If you have never played it, I would highly recommend it!

Interested in checking out the latest price? Take a look here: ApudArmis Kubb set