Best cheap spikeball sets

Best cheap spikeball sets

Looking for the best cheap spikeball set? I got you!

I recently did a lot of work researching and reviewing the different type of spikeball sets and knock-off products from other brands. The results were very interesting and I documented them in a different blog post, in case you are interested: Spikeball vs the most popular knock-offs.

Anyway, but this post is all about the best cheap spikeball sets. Two sets were the clear, let’s jump right in and see why that is.

Set Price Quality Durability Balls Pump Score Where to buy
Slammo $ 3/5 2.5/5 3 Yes 3/5 Amazon
Slammo pro $$$ 4/5 4.5/5 3 Yes 4/5 Amazon
Blingoball $$ 3.5/5 3.5/5 2 Yes 3.5/5 Amazon
Spikeball $$$$ 4/5 4/5 1 No 4/5 Amazon

List of the best cheap spikeball sets

Technically, these aren’t spikeball sets, because spikeball is a brand, these are actually spikeball knock-offs, but you get the idea.

GoSports Slammo Game set

The cheapest

Let’s start by the second best known roundnet brand: Slammo.

There are two main reason why Slammo is listed at the very top of the page:

  • Slammo is currently the cheapest spikeball set (not taking into account possible discounts.)
  • The company behind Slammo (GoSports) offers a lifetime warranty and they actually keep their word. The customer happiness is really high. Other (smaller) companies might also offer a lifetime warranty, but I would still be at least a bit suspicious, with Slammo, I’m pretty confident.

In terms of quality, it seems like slammo is really similar to most other spikeball knock-offs. Actually, during reviews we discovered something interesting:

Most knock-off brands are using the exact same manufacturer and branding the product in their own way. Meaning that most knock-offs (I will use the term “knock-off” and “spikeball variant” for the same thing) are exactly or almost the same product.

Outdoorsgaming – Spikeball vs smash ball vs spyderball vs slam ball vs slammo

When you take a closer look at many spikeball knock-off games, you can actually verify this for yourself.

Let’s be very straightforward here, there is a big quality difference between Slammo and spikeball. However, if you are looking for the cheapest spikeball set, this is the one to go for. Not only is it the cheapest, it also beats the competitors in terms of customer service and brand trustworthiness.

Also, 3 balls and a pump are included.

A small sidenote, Slammo also made a Slammo pro version, which is also really good in terms of value.

If you want to check the latest price of the regular Slammo set, Amazon is the place to be: Slammo.

Blingoball roundnet

The in-between option

Blingoball is a very decent in-between option. Sometimes, if you are lucky, this set can be on discount and become as cheap as the slammo set.

Blingoball is different from most knock-off spikeball sets (like slammo), it’s actually higher quality and more importantly, more durable.

It’s obviously not as high quality as a real spikeball set. However, when looking for a cheap spikeball set that is still decent quality, Blingoball might be the right set for you.

2 balls and a pump are included, which means that you have everything you need to enjoy the game for a pretty long time.

If you are interested, click here to check the latest price: Blingoball

Spikeball standard kit

The official

Well, we can’t talk about the best cheap spikeball sets without actually including a spikeball set. The cheapest official spikeball set is actually a set that only comes with a single ball. However, the price difference with the 3 ball set isn’t that big. Therefore, I would recommend the 3 ball set.

Also, it’s really easy to lose or damage a single ball. Once that happens, you will either need to buy an additional ball or you can’t really play. In my opinion, the single ball set doesn’t really make sense.

I should also say that an official spikeball set is quite a bit more expensive than the previous sets. Is it wort it? Well, it’s debatable. However, if your main concern is budget or value, an official spikeball set is probably not your best bet. You can either go with slammo, slammo pro for the higher quality option, or Blingoball as an in-between alternative.

That said, spikeball is still a very good product and isn’t very expensive. However, a pump is not included either, which is something to take into consideration.

Also, spikeball does have a pro version, which is definitely high quality. However, it’s probably not really what you are looking for if you want to keep things budget-friendly.

If you do decide to go with the spikeball set, you can buy this either on amazon, or on their official website. Usually amazon is cheaper, but sometimes you can get a better deal on the official site.

How much is a spikeball set?

The prices for an official spikeball set vary from $59 to $119. Spikeball knock-offs can be found at the cheapest for $35 – not taking possible discounts in consideration.

Without a discount, the cheapest spikeball (knockoff) set is around $35 (without discounts) at the time of writing.

For an official spikeball set, the cheapest price is $59 for the single ball set, and the most expensive price is $119 for the Pro Kit (without discounts).

If you are lucky, you might be able to get a discount, which could lower the price by a bit, but without discounts, these are the prices you can expect.

Is Spikeball worth buying?

Yes, spikeball is a very fun game that is loved by many players around the world.

Keep in mind that you do need a good amount of space to actually be able to play. However, space is also the only thing you really need (except for an actual spikeball set, of course). You can play it indoors, outdoors, on grass, on the beach, on harder surfaces, you can basically play it anywhere.

Is it worth spending the extra bucks to buy an official spikeball set? Well, it depends on how serious you intend to play the game. However, if budget is your main concern, you aren’t making a dumb decision to buy slammo or Blingoball instead.

Conclusion – what is best cheap spikeball set?

It’s time to conclude, what is the best cheap spikeball set?

There are obviously many options out there, but for me, it came down to 3 very solid options:

  • Slammo: It’s the cheapest spikeball set and the company behind the product is a lot more trustworthy than most alternatives. Also, they do provide lifetime warranty. In other words, if you are looking for the best dirt-cheap option, there is no doubt about it, slammo is the winner.
  • Blingoball: This is the in-between option, it’s higher quality than slammo, it’s also more durable, but it still can’t compete with an official spikeball set.
  • Basic spikeball set: The official spikeball set is the most expensive option on the list, but it’s also not extremely expensive. There is also a pro version, which is even better, but also more expensive. If you think you will take this game rather seriously, you might be happy to spend a bit more money, it will be worth it.

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