Can you use volleyball shoes as pickleball shoes

Can Volleyball Shoes be Used for Pickleball?

As a pickleball player, I know that having the right shoes is pretty important.

Not only will I start to get blistered and painful feet when I’m wearing bad shoes. I will also notice that my performance on the court suffers from this.

You might be wondering, “can volleyball shoes be used for pickleball?”. The answer is: Yes, you can use volleyball shoes for pickleball, as there are many similarities. However, overall, dedicated pickleball shoes will still perform quite a bit better when playing pickleball. The two type of shoes share many similarities, but there are also some differences that can’t be ignored.

Key Differences Between Pickleball and Volleyball Shoes

When deciding which shoes to use for pickleball, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind.

Sole Design

Even though pickleball shoes and volleyball shoes have many similarities, there is a difference in the design of the sole.

Volleyball shoes are known to be relatively low to the ground. However, pickleball shoes are usually even lower.

The reason for this is straightforward, pickleball is a lower impact sport than volleyball.

When you need to make fast and sudden movements -which can be needed in both sport- it’s common for shoes to be lower to the ground.

However, it’s often a balance. For volleyball, you do need some cushioning in order to absorb some of the impact. For pickleball, the cushioning can remain minimal as it’s a very low impact sport.


Another key difference between pickleball and volleyball shoes is the level of traction they provide. Pickleball shoes should have good traction to help you stay stable on the court and prevent slips and falls. They should also be non-marking, as many pickleball courts are made of wood or other sensitive surfaces.

Volleyball shoes, on the other hand, are designed to provide traction on hardwood or cement courts. While they may work on some outdoor pickleball courts, they may not provide the same level of traction and stability as shoes specifically designed for outdoor surfaces such as asphalt or concrete.

Fit and Comfort

Pickleball and volleyball shoes also differ in terms of fit and comfort. Pickleball shoes should have a snug fit to help you feel the ball through the shoe and move quickly on the court. They should also have enough support to help prevent foot fatigue during long games.

Volleyball shoes, on the other hand, are designed with a bit more room in the toe box to accommodate the high-impact movements of the sport. While this extra room may be comfortable for volleyball, it can actually hinder your performance in pickleball. A looser fit can make it harder to feel the ball through the shoe and can cause your foot to slide around, which can disrupt your balance and stability.

Should You Use Volleyball Shoes for Pickleball?

So, can you use your volleyball shoes for pickleball? It really depends on your level of play and the specific requirements of the sport. If you’re a casual pickleball player who only plays occasionally, you may be able to get by with a pair of volleyball shoes. However, if you’re a more serious pickleball player who plays regularly, it’s worth investing in a pair of shoes specifically designed for pickleball.

Pickleball shoes are specifically designed to meet the demands of the sport, with a low profile, flat sole.


In conclusion, while volleyball shoes may work for playing pickleball, they may not provide the same level of support, traction, and comfort as shoes specifically designed for pickleball. If you’re a casual player, you will probably be able to get by with a pair of volleyball shoes.

However, if you’re a more serious pickleball player, it’s worth investing in a pair of shoes that are specifically designed to meet the demands of the sport.

Pickleball shoes are designed with a low profile, flat sole, and good traction to help you move quickly and feel the ball through the shoe. They also have a snug fit and ample support to help prevent foot fatigue during long games. While they may cost a bit more than volleyball shoes, they will provide a better playing experience and may even improve your performance on the court.

So, the next time you’re wondering whether or not your volleyball shoes will work for pickleball, consider the key differences between the two types of shoes and choose the option that will best meet your needs as a pickleball player.

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